Glenview Adventist® Academy

Honoring our rich diverse community, developing independent learners into Christ-centered leaders


Meet our principal, Brian Allison. Born on March 14, Mr. Allison is a mid-west native who has moved all over the country. Since graduating from Andrews University he has worked as a YMCA director, athletic director, boys dean, camp manager, and a school principal. He moved to Phoenix with his wife Tanna (Development and Alumni Director at Thunderbird Adventist Academy) and his daughter Jaci.

Fun Facts about Mr. Allison:

Why Did you become a Principal?

"I truely believe it to be a call from God. I can't think of a highter calling then to work with God's children in His schools."

Teaching Philosophy?

"Keep God first in everything that you do and He will take care of the rest."

Favorite Bible verse?

"John 3:16"

Favorite vacation spot?

"The beach"

Favorite color?


Favorite food and drink?

"Diet Mountain Dew and macaroni and cheese"

Favorite sport?


If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would vist...

"The Old Course at St. Andrews Schotland"